In this section of the web site are items relating to the law, lawyers, judges and legal history, which naturally focuses on the United States Supreme Court. The items include autographs, documents, prints, law books, newspapers, and other historical memorabilia. There are also law related items in other sections, for instance the Connecticut section often has autographs and other documents concerning Connecticut's legal history. Chief Justice William Howard Taft, was a former President of the United States, so some items concerning his political career are in the political memorabilia section. Below are some of the items in our inventory, with the first page below devoted to Supreme Court autographs; the second page has books, magazines, newspapers, and other printed items, including those concerning the United States Constitution; and the third page has prints and photographs . Please click on the titles or pictures to get more information, pictures and prices. Chief Justice Oliver Ellsworth
Chief Justice William Howard Taft
Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes
Woodrow Wilson's Attorney General and Court Appointee FDR Nominees Justices Felix Frankfurter, Hugo Black and Robert Jackson Chief Justice Earl Warren
President Kennedy's Nominee Justice Byron White
Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist
The Current Supreme Court Signed Justice
Go To Page 2: Legal Books, Newspapers and Other Printed Material Go to Page 3: Legal Photographs and Prints