This page contains links to our inventory of historic newspapers
and magazines and pictures of some featured items. Our inventory includes Gentleman's Magazine
issues from the French
and Indian War and earlier, Revolutionary War
newspapers and magazines, Founding Period newspapers, War of 1812 newspapers, Civil War
newspapers and many newspapers concerning United States Presidents and political
campaigns. We also have many illustrated newspapers, including Harper's Weekly
and Leslie's, which are especially strong in the Civil War period.
Newspapers and magazine published from the Civil War
through today are shown here. We even have a selection of very modern, but
historic, newspapers
featuring Barack Obama.
Click on titles or pictures below for more
information and prices.
Benjamin Franklin's Electricity Experiments
Transforms Him Into an International Celebrity and Is Honored With The
Title Dr. Franklin
Gentleman's Magazine because of its
relationship with Peter Collinson, Fellow of the Royal Society, who was
Ben Franklin's early and regular scientific correspondent, and as
publisher of Franklin's book on electricity, is an unparalleled
repository of contemporaneous articles on Franklin's historic
electricity and lightning experiments.
First Ground Breaking Electricity Experiments
Reported (January 1750;
Report of Franklin's Lighting
Rod Discovery (May 1750);
Ben Franklin's
Electricity Book and Report of French Experiments to Test His Hypothesis
(May 1752);
French King
Witnesses Electricity Experiment and French and British Skeptics
Convinced (June 1752);
Franklin's Lightning Rod Experiment Criticized and Praised (October
1752); and
Franklin's Famous Letter Explaining How He Extracted Electricity from
Clouds with a Kite (December 1752). |
First International Mentions of Young George Washington
June 1754 Major George Washington's
First First
Military Expedition to Request French to Abandon Fort Duquesne
(Pittsburg). Extensive report of expedition from Williamsburg, VA
to Ohio River.
July 1754 Colonel George Washington's First
Military Victory at Jumonville Glen
September 1754 Colonel
Washington's First Military Loss, The Battle of Great Meadows and Capitulation of Fort Necessity |
"The Boston
Full Report by Boston Patriots
Signed by Sam Adams and John Hancock
British Version of Incident by
Captain Preston |

1775 Lexington and Concord
May 1775: The First Report of the Skirmishes at
Lexington and Concord; British try to stop meeting of Second
Continental Congress
June 1775: Full and Complete Reports of Lexington and Concord,
including patriots shooting from behind stone walls, largely unreported
in American newspapers; Fort Ticonderoga captured by Americans;
affidavit British soldier captured at Concord; Governor
Trumbull's letter to General Gage accusing British of atrocities at
Lexington and Concord; agitation in colonies following battles,
including insurrection at New York City. |
1775 The Battle of Bunker
First Full Military Engagement of
Revolutionary War that led directly to Declaration of Independence
July 1775: General Gage's Full Report of the
Battle: Gen. Gage Declaration pardons all but Sam Adams and John Hancock;
Journal of Fort Ticonderoga expedition under Ethan Allen and Benedict
August 1775: George Washington appointed Commander
in Chief; American account of Battle of Bunker Hill; Congress Declares "The Causes and Necessities of taking Up
September 1775: Map of
Battle of Bunker Hill American defenses; Great John Adams letter To
Abigail on Burdens of Congress and Frustration with his Colleagues;
First George Washington correspondence published with Gen. Gage:
Congress Rejects British Conciliation Plan and Appeals to King |
Early Publication
of Declaration of Independence
August 1776 Edition of Gentleman's
Much News of the War in America and
Parliamentary Debates on the War
Book Review of Gibbon's "History of
the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire" |
1782 British Parliament Votes To End War With America,
Effectively Granting Independence After Battle of Yorktown
Historic Newspaper Has Full Debate and Votes |
1788 South Carolina Ratifies
United States Constitution
State Convention
Attaches States Rights Concerns That Persist Through Civil War
Historic Newspaper also includes General Rufus
Putnam And The Ohio Company, John Trumbull and Cincinnati Society, Samuel Storrs
of Mansfield Seeks Runaway
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