Antique Engravings and Lithographs This page contains links to our large selection of antique prints, largely 1800s engravings and lithographs of American historical subjects, including United States Presidents and Civil War scenes, but also including Winslow Homer wood engravings and a large inventory of birds, plants, American Indians and topographic views of the West from government survey reports published during the middle of the 1800s. Also in our collection are interesting caricatures of English and American subjects that appeared in Vanity Fair, many executed by Sir Leslie Ward as "Spy." Below are pictures of examples of our antique engravings and lithographs and links to the rest. There also are antique prints in the Law, Political Memorabilia and Connecticut sections of the web site.
Winslow Homer's Famous
Wood Engravings Caricatures of Abraham Lincoln and the American Civil War 1800s Lithographs of Native American Indians From McKenney and Hall, Mexican Boundary and Pacific Railroad Expedition Surveys and Smithsonian Ethnology Bureau Reports 1850s Hand-colored Western Bird Lithographs Original 1800s Vanity Fair Prints The Founding Generation of America Pictured “VIEW ON THE HUDSON AT WEST POINT" 1860s Lithograph Shows Steamship Mary Powell & U. S. Military Academy 1850s George Washington engraving, a copy of which was in Abraham Lincoln's home! Rare Oliver Pelton engraving based on famous Gilbert Stuart portrait Unique Hand Colored 1855 Daniel Webster Lithograph